Patchwork pullover
Sizes 36–48
Pieces 30–33 on pattern sheet C
Cutting out
- Pattern Piece 30: 1 × front to fabric fold
- Pattern Piece 30: 1 × front facing to fabric fold
- Pattern Piece 33: 1 × back to fabric fold
- Pattern Piece 31: 2 × front sleeve section
- Pattern Piece 32: 2 × back sleeve section
- Copy patchwork pieces (pattern pieces A–E) from pattern piece 30 and cut out individually on the different fabrics.
- Jersey strips for the neckline, 34 to 36 × 3 cm.
- Place patchwork sections together with right sides facing and sew together with the patchwork foot. Sew piece A to piece B ¬ rst, then sew C to A, D to B and ¬ nally E to A-D. Sew a piece in mirror image for the other side of the body. Sew patchwork pieces together in the center-front and stitch right-sides-facing to the front section; turn right-side-out.
- Neaten bottom edges of facing with the overlocker. Stitch facing to neckline of the patchwork section. Place seam allowances in the facing and topstitch on the seam allowance. Stitch patchwork seams in the ditch onto the facing with the edgestitch foot.
- Place front and back sleeve sections together with right sides facing. Close shoulder seam and top sleeve seam with the overlocker in a single operation. Sew back sleeve section to back of dress with the overlocker.
- Neaten a long edge of the jersey strip with the overlocker. Sew unneatened edge rightsides- facing to neckline of back section; sew sleeves. Iron strip over the seam allowance onto the inside and stitch in the ditch on the front.
- Sew front sleeve section to front section of dress with the overlocker, beginning at the neckline. Close side seams and lower sleeve seams with the overlocker in a single operation. Sew hem and sleeve hems with the overlock machine.