Piciorus pentru tivire dantela
Marginea inferioara a materialului este cusuta prin cusatura scurta sau lata creand o cusatura imbinare.
Marginea inferioara a materialului este cusuta prin cusatura scurta sau lata creand o cusatura imbinare.
This accessory is compatible with the following machines:
1. Set machine for “wide or narrow Coverstitch”.
2. Raise the presser foot and snap on “Hemmer and lace foot”.
3. Insert lace into the right guide and slide it 1” (25mm) beyond the needles.
4. Fold the fabric under ¼” (6mm). Insert the fabric into left guide with the folded side down. Slide the fabric under the foot to the needles.
5. Lower the presser foot and sew.
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