Savilču pēdiņa
Pateicoties savilču pēdiņai vienslāņa audumi var tikt vienmērīgi sakrokoti. Tāpat vienslāņa audumi var tikt sakrokoti un piešūti pie pamata taisna auduma slāņa vienā operācijā. Tas ietaupa milzum daudz laika.
Pateicoties savilču pēdiņai vienslāņa audumi var tikt vienmērīgi sakrokoti. Tāpat vienslāņa audumi var tikt sakrokoti un piešūti pie pamata taisna auduma slāņa vienā operācijā. Tas ietaupa milzum daudz laika.
Šis piederums ir saderīgs ar šādām iekārtām:
1. Set the machine for a 4-thread overlock.
2. Set stitch length at maximum and differential feed between 1.5 and 2.
3. Raise the presser foot and snap on “Gathering foot”.
4. Place the fabric to be gathered (1) under the foot and gathering plate, right side up.
5. Lower the foot, sew a few stitches to fix it.
6. Raise the foot, place the fabric that remains flat (2), wrong side up, over the gathering plate (3) of the foot, edges along the guide (4).
7. Lower the foot and sew.
8. Maximum gathering is achieved with max stitch length and max differential feed. Testsew to define the gathering suitable.
And use the presser feet for the bernette 64 AIRLOCK
To ensure that you can use your presser feet with the bernette 64 AIRLOCK model, you need to change the presser foot spring. Download now the required instructions:
Gathering Foot - Usage of sewing foot spring
You will also find all information about how to change the spring or remove and attach the presser foot in our tutorial.
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